Testimony 2
Testimony of HR
First and foremost, I must give God thanks for being my father, the one who loved me when there was no one else who cared.
My childhood was a sad one. I was placed into the care of my aunt and uncle when I was four years old. I understood, based on my limited understanding during my upbringing, that I lived in a Christian home but I did not recall being the recipient of any love or any expression of the same. There were no hugs or words of comfort on any level.
I was abused physically, verbally and sexually from visiting so called friends but my experiences with my Aunt and Uncle lead me to conclude that I would not be believed. At the age of around 10 or 11 I was taken into care as a result of ongoing ill treatment at the hands of my aunt and uncle. This included, being excluded from using the family indoor bath and I was restricted to bathe in the shed in a tin bath. I was told by my aunt that I was too dirty to use her bathroom and I was subjected to having the scrubbing brush being used on me during those times in the shed tin bath. I was only allowed in the house to work and to go to bed. In the mornings when I was woken up it was usually with a belt and I was often late for school because I had to clean and scrub before leaving. Several times food was withheld from me and my brother would drop pieces of bread under the table. There was an occasion that I could remember when I was locked up in the house when my Aunt and uncle went on a trip to wedding. This was typical of my treatment. Other relatives were told that I was wicked. I was eight years old when my mother died and my aunt told me in a callous manner that my mum is dead and offered no comfort to me and was cold and distant in her dealings with me. I was left to carry on doing whatever job I had been doing at the time.
I thank God who had been watching over me so I was rescued from the torment of life with my Aunt and Uncle. Sadly, I lived a careless life hardly wanting to believe in Jesus but still a seed had been sown in me to enable to me conclude that my life was not right. On reflection I had a fear of God but not enough to turn my life around at the time.
There was an occasion when I was kidnapped and dropped off in the middle of nowhere. God provided help by someone who was kind enough to provide me lift back to where I was supposed to have been. I am truly blessed, I could have been killed. So many things have happened in my life and in order to tell all, I would have to write a book. What I do know is that God in his mercy set a watch over me for which I will never be able to give him thanks.
I lived a notorious life, got married at the age of 24 an was involved in a marriage from hell. Once again the abuse started, the name calling, the accusations, the kicks, fighting’s, being watched, being told that I am inferior and many more things. I remembered one night I had to run into the bathroom because my husband went down stairs to get a knife. I cried unto God and asked him to help me. My husband told my cousin that he was going to kill me. What I have learned is that God sees and knows the pain. God had a different plan for me. He rescued me from it all. I am here today because of him. When I did not know him or even cared, Jesus remembered me. He provided me with a home and people that helped me greatly. When I looked back I am amazed to see where the lord has brought me from.
I am thankful he did not give up on me but patiently waited for me to come to him. What a God what a saviour, what king, I love him so much now my heart and my life belongs to him.