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The Great and Terrible day of the Lord

The great and terrible day of the Lord


Lord you said we know not

The day nor the hour of your return

As we patiently wait for your marvelous light

And for you to appear as a thief in the night

Watching and waiting, anticipating

Men’s hearts failing them of fear

Confusion amongst religious leaders

As your coming draws near

A Land of desolation

Soul dying of starvation

Young people dying at the hands of there peers

As faces fill with hopelessness and tears

Minds becoming weak and confused

Children are being abducted and babies being abused

In these last days not serving or seeking the one true living God

But instead we embrace bitterness, wickedness, and pride

As we see the great and terrible day of the Lord approaching only having a form of Godliness as the Bible says we deny the power thereof

Brethren we know not the hour the sky will crack but we were warned to be ye also ready and that Christ is coming back!